페이지 정보

- Daytime and night time available
Daytime: Mark location with the film with strong visibility
Night time: Mark location with the light(4 Functional modes) - Ground,Water,Mountains available
- Automatic/Manual available depending on the situation
- Water sensors deploy automatically at landing in the water
- Light on only at night time with illumination sensors (off at daytime)
- Signal period of Light:3 days
- Battery life: 4 years
- Weight:Mounted type(1.5kg), Portable type(500g)
- Visible over 1,500ft, 2Km distance at daytime and night time
- Light Strobe function with SOS
- Sizes:Mounted type(Length 12m, Width 28cm)
Portable type (Length 8m, Width 15.5cm) - Packing Types: Mounted type(Packing bag with automatic deployment)
Portable type(Ring and waterproof packing bag which are easily detachable for clothes such as Survival Vest and bags )